Stallion by Wilmat Cloud Tour - Owner Reports

A number of Owner Reports are currently available. Additional reports can be added if required. The reports can be accessed from the menu by selecting Reporting / Owner Reports.

Invoice Report (Delivery)

The Invoice Report (Delivery) provides a listing of your invoice emails for the selected month. The report displays the invoice number, invoice date, account name, email address, invoice amount, date delivered and date opened. The date opened value requires an open acknowledgment to be returned to the invoice service (SendGrid).

New Owner Form

The New Owner Form provides a form that can be sent to a new Owner on which they can provide their name and address details for inclusion into the Stallion Cloud system. The forms includes a list of selected charge codes to provide an indication of the possible chanrges that can be expected in the training of their horse.

Training Fees Form

The Training Fees Form provides a Training Fees Notice. The notice includes preamble and postamble text, a terms message and an issued by message. These text items can be created using the Notes Template facility. The notice also includes various charges that may be applied to horses being trained. Charges can be included by selecting the New Owner / Fees Notice option in the charge code set up program.